Sunday, April 8, 2012

Today I am grateful that I have a comfortable restful home.

I am grateful that Minnie is still alive.

I am grateful for the comfort that loving Minnie gives me.

I am grateful for Suzy's head on my knee last night.

I am grateful that my new breast is healing.

I am grateful that M is in rehab.

I am grateful that I have enough food and everything, EVERYTHING I need, always.

I am grateful to be connected to family and friends on Facebook.

I am grateful for family photos.

I am grateful that I am so tired already and it's not even noon.

I am grateful that Sasha loved me so long and so well, and loves me still.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Today I am grateful that Michael is in rehab.

I am grateful that we are having Easter dinner with M&M and kids tomorrow.

I am grateful that no one was hurt in my fender bender on Thursday.

I am grateful that I can help Jeff with his taxes work.

I am grateful that I am alive.

I am grateful for Dr. Belanger.

I am grateful for JoAnn.

I am grateful for a good night's sleep.

I am grateful that Elaine gets to take a vacation.

I am grateful for Keith's availability to give us rides when we need them.

I am grateful for my new breast.

I am grateful for my two KSoul assistants!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Today I am grateful that this month is just about over.

I am grateful for cake.

I am grateful for animals home, safe and sound.

I am grateful for my continued connections with Sasha.

I am grateful for my wonky stomach.

I am grateful for slow slow healing.

I am grateful for what I'm learning about eating, food and my body.

I am grateful for Dr. Bryan.

I am grateful that healing takes a long time.

I am grateful for Dr. Belanger.

I am grateful for JoAnn.

I am grateful for good DVDs to watch and good television.

I am grateful for the industry of television.

I am grateful that I have more than enough of everything I need.

I am grateful for my business.

I am grateful for the income I generate through my business.

I am grateful for each and every Kindred Spirit.

I am grateful for the Awakening to Joy class.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Today I am grateful that I canceled the dentist app't.

I am grateful that I don't know where Raj is.

I am grateful that I am so worried about him.

I am grateful that someone else is going to clean my house.

I am grateful for Sasha's love.

I am grateful for what she taught me.

I am grateful that Minnie is still alive.

I am grateful for my creativity.

I am grateful that I don't have to go anywhere for the next 6 days if I don't want to.

I am grateful for the place Kripalu holds in my life.

I am grateful for the tools I am being given to live an authentic, joyful, creative life.

I am grateful for a new month, a new year, a year of healing.

I am grateful for the beautiful snowscape outside my window.

I am grateful for every KaleidoSoul member.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Today I am grateful that my port-removal wound is healing and not as sore.

I am grateful that my stomach is healing from the chemo.

I am grateful that I ate a veg burger and whole wheat bread and a piece of tomato yesterday and my stomach didn't freak out!

I am grateful for a warm place to live.

I am grateful for Judy's healing touch.

I am grateful for my strong and healthy body.

I am grateful for my crabbiness.

I am grateful that I had a hard time getting to sleep last night/

I am grateful for my new Kindle.

I am grateful that Minnie steals my comfy chair all the time.

I am grateful that I don't know what she is "saying" to me most of the time.

I am grateful for her company.

I am grateful for my Inner Sanctuary.

I am grateful for a whole day to sit still and write.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Today I am grateful that my body is getting stronger even tho it sure doesn't feel like it.

I am grateful that my chemo treatments are over.

I am grateful that I am having the port taken out so I don't have to keep going back to the chemo wing to have the port "flushed."

I am grateful for sunny days.

I am grateful that Raj has me to come to for food.

I am grateful for art projects undone.

I am grateful that all I could do most of yesterday was sit and watch tv and read.

I am grateful for my new Kindle.

I am grateful that Jeff is so UNAWARE.

I am grateful that he doesn't seem to know what I need right now.

I am grateful that Minnie is still alive.

I am grateful for the EBT cycles tool that I learned in 2008.

I am grateful for my Bright Ones and my Inner Sanctuary.

I am grateful for my KaleidoSoul work and community.

I am grateful for this day, this moment, this body, this breath.

I am grateful for Mark Nepo.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Today I am grateful for my strong body which has gotten me thru the last 4 months of chemotherapy treatments.

I am grateful that I am strong enough to take mile walks again.

I am grateful for our mild winter.

I am grateful for my loving husband.

I am grateful for my immersion in story.

I am grateful for having enough food, enough love, enough inner guidance.

I am grateful for a warm home and beautiful surroundings.

I am grateful that I live near the ocean.

I am grateful for my intelligence.

I am grateful for my sense of humor.

I am grateful for Dr. Belanger.